Have you ever watched The Pursuit of Happyness?

You might want to when you’ve heard Razz’s story. We recently caught up with Razz, one of the very first interns to come through our programmes to hear about his journey a year on. This is what he had to share. If you’re interested in hearing what his employer had to say, you can find that here.

Where were you before you came across GoodWork?

I was working at a Deliveroo warehouse, bagging groceries, and then also doing some delivery driving. I didn’t really have a vision or a goal at the time, I had left uni but I hadn’t graduated and I was at a bit of a loss as to how that was going to impact my future. I felt like there weren’t any opportunities available. I knew I wanted more for myself but didn’t really know what my options were or where to go.

Why did you apply to GoodWork?

A friend had found out about GoodWork through the Council. He sent me the information and I just felt like I could see the authenticity through the screen, that this was a place where I could grow and feel supported. I applied and I got an interview. To be honest I wasn’t even really feeling up for it, I was a bit down and my mood was low and I ended up not showing up. But the team reached out and gave me a second chance – and I know I shouldn’t expect that – but I just remember thinking wow, these people genuinely care.

What happened next?

After my assessment I went for the interview with Newsflare. I remember looking on the company’s website and there was a quote about making mistakes from the CTO and it immediately made me feel more comfortable. I think I was 23 at the time and I knew that whatever happened I was going to make mistakes, I’m not going to be the finished article. Then when I met the team, I instantly felt like there was good rapport there. I would never have even thought that a company like this would exist, it’s not a traditional sort of role but I liked that, it felt exciting.

How did the GoodWork training help you prepare for your internship?

It just sparked a fire in me again, being around likeminded people and getting that extra bit of motivation. Increasing my skills and knowledge in a way that has really stuck with me. For example, the goal setting workshop we did. Even now, whenever I have check ins with my manager I go back and look at those goals again.  

What were the highlights of the internship?

I think beside the work, which I really enjoy, the social element. I really felt like part of the community from the beginning. They actually made me company Values Champion in my second or third month and that was really big for me. They always champion me and celebrate my success. As a result, I think I understand my value a lot more.

How did it feel to be offered a permanent role at the end of the internship?

Have you ever watched The Pursuit of Happyness? The bit right at the end where Will Smith is offered the job? Go back and watch that, that’s how it felt. I felt validated for all my hard work, I really wanted to stay.

What do you wish employers knew about young people like you?

So maybe I’m a bit naïve, because I don’t know how every company works. But I wish employers understood that even if we have different ways of working, or might be a bit different, finding the best way to support that individual and nurturing them is the way to get the best out of them.

What has the overall impact of the GoodWork programme been for you?

It’s had a really, really positive effect on me. I feel a lot more optimistic about the future now, because of GoodWork and Newsflare. I feel like I have opportunities to learn and keep learning.

What would you say to other young people about GoodWork now you’ve finished the programme?

I feel like I’m still on the programme really because of how close GoodWork has stayed, you still check in on us and how we’re doing. And I know that if I hadn’t stayed on here you would have helped me find other opportunities, because you care about my development. So I would say that people should definitely apply, because the support is there.

We also spoke with Jaimie, Head of People at Newsflare, to hear what he had to say about Razz and working with GoodWork. You can read that here.


An Employer’s Perspective: Partnering with GoodWork


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